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Patagonia National Park

Patagonia, Chile

Hielos Andinos Patagónicos

Northern Patagonian Ice Field

By air
By air
Exploration duration
2 - 3 hrs

Exploration Path

Discover the stunning landscapes of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field from above, flying in helicopter over the Laguna San Rafael National Park. This unique exploration lets you experience the majestic glaciers, mountains, valleys, rivers, and lakes of Northern Patagonia from a new perspective.

Designed for up to 4 travelers, this exploration can be done in 1 or 2 hour flights.

*Private journey with an additional cost and subject to availability.
Contact our reservations team for more details at or by phone at +56 2 2395 2800.

In this area you can see a large expanse of glaciers in the Patagonian Andes, in addition to the largest freshwater reserves in the world.