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Parc National Patagonia

Patagonia, Chile


La Tejuela

41,8 km / 26.0 mi
Exploration duration
6 h 30 m

Exploration Path

Nous visiterons un poste d'élevage, pour découvrir une partie de l'histoire de la vallée Chacabuco. Nous verrons ses vestiges et en apprendrons davantage sur le mode de vie de ses occupants. Nous traverserons un sentier escarpé à travers d'anciennes forêts de lenga, en passant par des lacs et des vues variées. Nous passerons par des sites de transit de huemules et d'autres espèces du parc national Patagonia.

For the troperos - traditional nomadic herders - and ranchers of the region, the year was divided into two key seasons: the "veranada" and the "invernada. During the summer, the troperos drove their cattle to the veranadas, high pastures that, once free of snow, provided abundant grazing in clearings surrounded by deciduous forests of ñirre and lenga. In winter, the herds moved to the winter pastures, lower, sheltered areas where corrals provided protection from inclement weather. Today, thanks to the ecological restoration efforts led by Rewilding Chile, these clearings and ancient forests used for cattle grazing have been transformed into a natural sanctuary waiting to be explored.

Elevation Profile

Elevation Gain
elevation gain icon
1.143 m 3.750 ft
Elevation Loss
elevation loss icon
-1.143 m -3.750 ft
Max. Altitude
max altitude ion
823 m 2.700 ft
Min. Altitude
min altitude icon
340 m 1.115 ft