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Valle Sagrado

The Sacred Valley of the Incas
Discover Unique & Authentic Explorations

Take your pick from nearly 50 expertly guided Explorations, included as part of your stay at Explora Valle Sagrado. Discover Cusco, Machu Picchu, and other renowned and hidden gems on full- and half-day Explorations, with every experience fully customized to your ability and designed for small groups of no more than eight guests.

Explorations span four unique zones of the Sacred Valley, including guided hikes, biking, climbing, multi-sport experiences, high-mountain ascents, and remote Explora-only Signature Explorations.

Over 40 Explorations included with your stay
Led by Explora’s own certified bilingual guides
Customized for every interest and fitness level
Customized to Your Interests

Our Explorations feature classic routes to iconic sites as well as Signature Explorations, designed and operated exclusively by Explora in the region’s most remote and pristine locations. Every adventure is customized to match with your skills and interests — something you’ll experience every evening as part of our flexible, day-by-day itinerary building, when your Explora guide meets with you to tailor the next day’s Explorations to your preferences.

Explorations are limited to a group size of no more than eight guests to allow for a more personal atmosphere and in-depth discovery. Privately guided Explorations are available at an additional cost.

Led by the Region’s Best Guides

Deeply familiar with the region and its traditions, our local guides have an unyielding passion and knowledge for the Sacred Valley and the magical landscapes we explore. They’re trained at our own School of Guides and fluent in Spanish and English. They are also keenly aware of the fragility of these unique places and share in our advocacy for the conservation of Peru’s many wonders.

Each day, one of our guides will gladly help you choose the right exploration for your interests and provide further information on each zone.

Explore the Best of the Sacred Valley

Choose from 49 in-depth Explorations across four unique Andean zones. These adventures and experiences take you to the ancient Incan Empire of Machu Picchu, vibrant Cusco as well as Pisaq and Urubamba, but also extraordinary and rarely visited marvels, including the ancient hillside fortress of Pumamarca

Explore by:

Towering titans that reach into the clouds above, defying altitude and gravity in order to provide a vital experience of heaven on Earth for all who venture their slopes. Janca is the highest part of the Peruvian Andes. Its inaccessibility simultaneously defines its essence and beauty. Due to the zone’s extreme altitude, life acquires a calmer pace; human settlements are scarce and dedicated mainly to high mountain mining. Reaching the Janca zone requires special acclimatization due to the area’s extremely low temperatures and lack of oxygen. Likewise, this zone is mostly steep terrain, which requires technical knowledge and experience.

1. Janca

Towering titans that reach into the clouds above, defying altitude and gravity in order to provide a vital experience of heaven on Earth for all who venture their slopes. Janca is the highest part of the Peruvian Andes. Its inaccessibility simultaneously defines its essence and beauty. Due to the zone’s extreme altitude, life acquires a calmer pace; human settlements are scarce and dedicated mainly to high mountain mining. Reaching the Janca zone requires special acclimatization due to the area’s extremely low temperatures and lack of oxygen. Likewise, this zone is mostly steep terrain, which requires technical knowledge and experience.
Explore by: High Mountain Ascent

The Quechua zone is the starting point for all our explorations in the Sacred Valley. Following the winding course of the Urubamba River, this area showcases Inca architecture at its best, enclosing some of Peru’s most important archaeological landmarks, from Pisac to Macchu Picchu. As we ascend progressively through cornfields, orchards and small villages bustling with life, we reach some of the most enigmatic and remote archaeological sites of the valley, as is Pumamarca, a hillside fortress that once guarded the entrance to the valley’s fertile lands.

2. Quechua

The Quechua zone is the starting point for all our explorations in the Sacred Valley. Following the winding course of the Urubamba River, this area showcases Inca architecture at its best, enclosing some of Peru’s most important archaeological landmarks, from Pisac to Macchu Picchu. As we ascend progressively through cornfields, orchards and small villages bustling with life, we reach some of the most enigmatic and remote archaeological sites of the valley, as is Pumamarca, a hillside fortress that once guarded the entrance to the valley’s fertile lands.
Explore by: Hike Overland Bike Climbing Self Guided Combination

With the valley at its feet, Suni is a transition zone between the Quechua and Puna zones. Within, some of the area’s most memorable panoramic views can be found from winding paths perched high on deep gorges plunging into the green abyss below. This zone showcases the valley’s verticality – a pivotal component around which the Incas developed their particular cosmovision. Technological development and communal work structures can be evidenced in the extremely well-preserved ruins of the Moray experimental crop center and the Salineras de Maras, as well as the precision and craftsmanship of Tipon’s fluvial canals, which remain active to this day.

3. Suni

With the valley at its feet, Suni is a transition zone between the Quechua and Puna zones. Within, some of the area’s most memorable panoramic views can be found from winding paths perched high on deep gorges plunging into the green abyss below. This zone showcases the valley’s verticality – a pivotal component around which the Incas developed their particular cosmovision. Technological development and communal work structures can be evidenced in the extremely well-preserved ruins of the Moray experimental crop center and the Salineras de Maras, as well as the precision and craftsmanship of Tipon’s fluvial canals, which remain active to this day.
Explore by: Hike Overland Bike

Abruptly rising from the ground beneath your feet, mountains define almost every aspect of the Sacred Valley’s identity. As they grow in height the sheer power of altitude, combined with the cold from the perpetual glaciers perched high on their rugged shoulders, are proof of how living conditions become harsher the further from the ground you dare to go. Explorations in the area of the Puna take travelers through narrow shepherd mountain trails and chromatic progressions of green, brown and white. This highly dynamic zone is a feast to the eyes that varies significantly depending on the seasons and harvesting times.

4. Puna

Abruptly rising from the ground beneath your feet, mountains define almost every aspect of the Sacred Valley’s identity. As they grow in height the sheer power of altitude, combined with the cold from the perpetual glaciers perched high on their rugged shoulders, are proof of how living conditions become harsher the further from the ground you dare to go. Explorations in the area of the Puna take travelers through narrow shepherd mountain trails and chromatic progressions of green, brown and white. This highly dynamic zone is a feast to the eyes that varies significantly depending on the seasons and harvesting times.
Explore by: Hike Overland Bike

Book your Sacred Valley journey